Vol. 9 No. 2 (2024): Global solution: sustainability and solidarity

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Diversitas Journal brings a new issue of volume 9, covering the months April to June 2024. In this issue we have a very intriguing and current theme: Global solution: sustainability and solidarity.

 Sustainability and solidarity emerge as fundamental pillars to face the global challenges that our contemporary society faces. These two interconnected forces offer essential solutions for a more equitable and resilient world.

Sustainability transcends the mere preservation of the environment. It encompasses harmony between human needs, the health of the planet and economic viability. The search for sustainable practices involves reducing excessive consumption, promoting renewable energy, conserving ecosystems and raising awareness about the ecological footprint. Individual and collective actions, such as recycling, responsible water use and adoption of green technologies, are crucial steps towards a more sustainable future.

Solidarity is the ultimate expression of empathy and compassion. It transcends geographic, cultural and social borders. Solidarity involves supporting those less fortunate, sharing resources and fighting inequality. Whether in the form of humanitarian aid in times of crisis, promoting gender equality or defending the rights of refugees, solidarity is a powerful antidote to division and selfishness.

Global Solution: The convergence of sustainability and solidarity is the key to facing global challenges. By adopting sustainable practices, we are contributing to the preservation of our planet and, consequently, to the well-being of all its inhabitants. Solidarity reminds us that we are part of an interconnected global community, and that our individual actions reverberate around the world. Therefore, by promoting sustainability and practicing solidarity, we are building a global solution that transcends barriers and brings us closer to a fairer and more harmonious future.

Prof. Dr. José Crisólogo de Sales Silva

Chief Editor Diversitas Journal.

Cover: Mateus Henrique Gomes da S Bispo

Photography:  Maria Jéssica dos Santos Cabral

Photo Title: Diptera ensuring the next generation        Date: 15.06.2022.

Diamantina - Minas Gerais, Brazil.

Published: 2024-04-19

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