Infâncias, Crianças e as tramas montadas para pensar sobre elas: dialogando com os estudos da infância




ABSTRACT: This text rehearses a brief and punctual reflection on childhoods, children and the developments evidenced with the inauguration of childhood studies. In it we will consider the historical and sociological perspectives, as a way of understanding the origin of the concept of childhood, the ways of life of children in different periods and modernity as a ballast in the structuring of contemporary thought. Nowadays, research has increasingly shown that children and their childhoods weave meanings from their daily practices, interfere in social dynamics and are producers of children's cultures. The aim of the text will be to establish a debate on the concepts historically instituted in the multidisciplinary field of childhood studies and the relationship with early childhood education, thinking about how they reverberate in the daily lives of children and teachers. At this point in the research that you find in the initial phase, we are approaching the field and producing elements that bring us closer to this state of the art. We will dialogue with research by Arroyo (1994), Cohn (2005), Qvortrup (2014), Sarmento (2004, 2007), Sarmento and Marchi (2017), Oliveira (2008) among others. The discussions point to a fruitful field of research and creative methodologies, aimed at understanding childhoods and narrated from the eyes of children, denoting complexities, particularities and singularities in the power of their voices. This field of knowledge is still recent, and has led to gains around social rights and children's agency. However, we still have a long way to go in search of a citizen childhood. That has the presence of children's bodies in the social history of their territories.

 KEYWORDS: Child education; Specificities; Plurality.


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How to Cite

Ferreira, R. A., & Macedo, M. do S. B. . (2021). Infâncias, Crianças e as tramas montadas para pensar sobre elas: dialogando com os estudos da infância . Diversitas Journal, 6(1), 1546–1563.