Campo, cidade, escola e profissão: jovens estudantes do curso Técnico em Agropecuária no Ensino Médio Subsequente


  • Ludmila Oliveira Holanda Cavalcante UEFS
  • Fábio Dantas de Souza Silva UEFS
  • Luciane Ferreira de Abreu IFBaiano



This article discusses the conceptions of youth, work and field of young people who enter into professional education after the conclusion of regular high school and how the life trajectories of these subjects and the formation for the work in the field influence their life projects, dialoguing with aspects that characterize the diversity of Brazilian youth. The data explored in the text were obtained through a qualitative research that followed different stages, such as: analysis of institutional documents of the school where the subjects study, application of questionnaires with the students, realization of focus groups with the students and individual interviews with students of the course and with the manager of the educational institution. The socio-historical approach in the study was significant to collaborate in understanding the scenario of the young subjects of the research and its relationship with the environment over time, in interface with the conceptual debate of the Field Education. The research revealed signs that the linkage of young people to rural areas is weakened, although they opt for a predominantly rural course, students do not demonstrate much connection with the territory and its political and social issues.

Keywords: Rural youth, Education, Work.


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Author Biographies

Ludmila Oliveira Holanda Cavalcante, UEFS

Doutora em Educação pela Universidade Federal da Bahia. Professora titular da Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana. Coordenadora da Equipe de Estudos e Educação Ambiental da UEFS. Docente permanente do Programa de Pós Graduação em Educação (PPGE/UEFS).

Fábio Dantas de Souza Silva, UEFS

Doutor em Educação pela Universidade Federal da Bahia.  Professor Adjunto da Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana. 

Luciane Ferreira de Abreu, IFBaiano

Mestra em Educação pela Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana. Pedagoga no Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Baiano.  



How to Cite

Cavalcante, L. O. H., Silva, F. D. de S. ., & Abreu, L. F. de . (2019). Campo, cidade, escola e profissão: jovens estudantes do curso Técnico em Agropecuária no Ensino Médio Subsequente. Diversitas Journal, 4(3), 893–913.