O Jogo matemático Trilha com auxílio à aprendizagem


  • Elisângela Maria Silva Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco/PARFOR
  • Simone Lima Alves Pequeno Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco/PARFOR
  • Maria Aparecida Vieira de Melo Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco/PARFOR




ABSTRACT: This work was developed in half of completion of the course of the 2nd degree in Pedagogy of PARFOR (National Plan for Basic Education Teachers), a program in collaboration between Capes and UFRPE. This study aimed to develop an adapted game to work with fractional numbers entitled "Trail of Fractions," aiming to specifically promote the relationship between recreational activities and the concrete situations of the figures in the lives of students in daily life, and cherish active and constant participation of students. Is based light of authors like D'Ambrosio (2016); Finance, (1997); Kami, (1990) and Vygostsky (1998). Therefore, we have chosen as target a class of 5th grade of elementary school to a public school in the city of Barreiros and based on participatory methodology proposed the collective construction of the game. Then we formed two groups, explained the rules, was played and at the end of the recreational activities we ask that each student write what you have learned the game. The results were satisfactory, since the students showed an interest in learning the content involved acted with greater collaboration and autonomy in the search for solutions to problems and produced texts, which contributed to the literacy of students both in English and in mathematics. We conclude that the intervention carried out by means of this work has permeated the importance of using the game as a teaching and learning resource, it contributes to the construction of mathematical concepts more playful and fun way, giving new meaning to the numerical knowledge of the daily life of children. 

KEYWORDS: Interdisciplinarity, playfulness, autonomy.


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How to Cite

Silva, E. M., Pequeno, S. L. A., & Melo, M. A. V. de. (2020). O Jogo matemático Trilha com auxílio à aprendizagem. Diversitas Journal, 5(3), 2184–2198. https://doi.org/10.17648/diversitas-journal-v5i3-444

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