Um estudo da porcentagem com o uso do material dourado no ensino fundamental




ABSTRACT: The theme explored in this article is a conceptual study about percentage in the Early Years of Elementary School, aiming at an approximation of the same from its physical representation, concrete and manipulable. The problematizing question was expressed in the sense of: how to teach to the students the concept of percentage in a comprehensible way? The methodology was initially structured by bibliographical means, with readings and study notes of articles, textbooks and official documents of the State of Tocantins - Brazil, among others. The theoretical reference chosen was the Theory of Semiotic Representations Records that contributed to the conception of a didactic proposal of intervention, as well as an analysis of its implementation. The preliminary results point to a convergence of the operational objectives present in the official documents, however, the comparison of these with other didactic proposals of intervention identifies that the different forms of representation of a percentage seem little explored, and sometimes, has limited percentage representation to a fraction whose denominator is centesimal. It is worth noting the elaboration of a didactic workshop that overcomes these limitations and brings other forms of representation of a percentage that are explored simultaneously through registers that privilege the comparison between them.

KEYWORDS: Representation of Mathematical Objects. Semiotics. PIBID - Brazilian Program for teacher education initiation.


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Author Biographies

Fabricio Mota dos Santos, Colégio Estadual Campos Brasil

He has a degree in mathematics from the Federal University of Tocantins (2015). He is currently a teacher of Basic Education at the state education network of Tocantins. He is interested in research lines related to Mathematics Teaching and Learning, Mathematical Technology and Education, Mathematical Modeling.

Sinval de Oliveira, Universidade Federal do Tocantins

Professor Adjunto da Universidade Federal do Tocantins-UFT, Campus de Araguaína, Araguaína–TO, BRAZIL.



How to Cite

Santos, F. M. dos, & Oliveira, S. de. (2020). Um estudo da porcentagem com o uso do material dourado no ensino fundamental. Diversitas Journal, 5(4), 3336–3351.



Dossiê Tem. - PIBID e formação docente: políticas públicas e práticas educativas