Considerações sobre identidade e os papeis sociais da mulher na realidade de comunidades quilombolas alagoanas




ABSTRACT: In this article, we briefly and succinctly discuss concepts dear to the social context in which we live, such as the identity and social roles of women in the reality of quilombola communities. For this purpose, we selected six quilombo communities from Alagoas: Muquém, in União dos Palmares / Al; Jussara, Mariana and Filús, in Santana do Mundaú / Al, located in the Quilombos Mountain Region; Gurgumba and Sabalangá, in Viçosa / Al, located in the Planalto da Borborema Region. From the empirical observation of the modus vivendi of this people, we will see if it is possible to apprehend some nuances of their identity constructions and what it is like to be a woman in this particular and local universe. Through the discussion of concepts developed by Rampton (2006), Souza Santos (2013) and Stella (2014) about identities and by the sociolinguistic research methodology adopted by William Labov (2008 [1972]), we investigate how the effects of modernity and Globalization has affected us all, regardless of ethnicity, gender or social class, taking us in an increasingly less local and increasingly global direction.

KEYWORDS: identity, woman, quilombola community.


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How to Cite

Santos, D. N. (2021). Considerações sobre identidade e os papeis sociais da mulher na realidade de comunidades quilombolas alagoanas. Diversitas Journal, 6(1), 1665–1679.