Diagnóstico Produtivo do Perímetro Irrigado no Município de Senador Rui Palmeira, Alagoas





ABSTRACT: This work has as main objective to evaluate the productive behavior of the irrigated perimeter in the city of Senador Rui Palmeira- AL. It is an exploratory field research with quantitative treatment. A questionnaire was applied to 20 producers in the communities of Quiribas, Bonito, Lage Grande and Branquinha. All of these communities are supplied by water from the sertão channel. Such questionnaire was applied in three moments of research. The first moment was in the month of January 2017, the second moment was in the month of August 2018 and the third and last moment was in the month of March 2019. The results revealed that 65% of the interviewees are of low income and have agriculture its main source of income, reaching 75% of the total. However, with the availability of water in these regions, the existing crops have ceased to be just beans and corn and have become part of the group of vegetables, fruits and in addition to other varieties.

KEYWORDS: Agriculture. Production. Irrigation.


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Author Biographies

Luiz Márcio Tavares da Silva, Prefeitura Municipal de Senador Rui Palmeira - AL; Universidade Estadual de Alagoas

Zootecnista da Prefeitura Municipal de Senador Rui Palmeira - AL; Especialista em Produção Animal e Desenvolvimento Rural pela Universidade Estadual de Alagoas (UNEAL).

Lenivaldo Manoel de Melo, Universidade Estadual de Alagoas

Professor Assistente da Universidade Estadual de Alagoas (UNEAL); Mestre em Administração Rural e Comunicação Rural pela Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco (UFRPE).

Magna Palmeira do Nascimento Tavares

Graduada em Ciências Econômicas pela Universidade Federal de Alagoas (UFAL).



How to Cite

Silva, L. M. T. da, Melo, L. M. de, & Tavares, M. P. do N. (2021). Diagnóstico Produtivo do Perímetro Irrigado no Município de Senador Rui Palmeira, Alagoas. Diversitas Journal, 6(1), 1786–1793. https://doi.org/10.17648/diversitas-journal-v6i1-1703



Dossiê Temático - Produção Animal e Desenvolvimento Rural: diversas abordagens