University extension in environmental and sanitary health: experience report




Educação em saúde, promoção da saúde, saúde e meio ambiente.


It is certain that the environment influences the health status of an individual, the way we deal with the ecosystem is linked to the process that causes diseases and injuries that affect humanity. To meet these demands, public management must boost social participation, considering information as the main instrument, thus promoting an environmental education based on ethics. The objective of this study is to describe the experience lived by nursing students during the development of an extension project aimed at education in environmental and sanitary health. It is an experience report of the realization of an extension project, in which interaction and environmental intervention actions were carried out, aimed at elementary school students 2 at a public school in Maceió - AL, with emphasis on the questions related to health and environment, directed mainly to the reality of the location of the actions. Three meetings were held with the school community, in the first meeting there was a moment of interaction with the school community, aiming to create a bond with them, on the second day, an experience was provided outside the school environment, with the visit to the Park Municipal de Maceió, for the recognition of a preserved environment, and on the third day, we return to the school environment to put into practice the knowledge acquired in previous moments. The development of the extension project made it possible for the school community to learn through insertion in an environment with preserved nature, thus acquiring a new conception in the face of environmental issues, being able to modify its habits, materializing itself primarily in the revitalization of the school space.


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Author Biographies

Evylee Hadassa Barbosa Silva, Centro Universitário Tiradentes (UNIT)

Acadêmica de Enfermagem

Joicielly França Bispo, Centro Universitário Tiradentes (UNIT)

Acadêmica de Enfermagem

Joyce Nayara Duarte da Silva, Centro Universitário Tiradentes (UNIT)

Acadêmica de Enfermagem

Maria Tereza Nascimento de Lima, Centro Universitário Tiradentes (UNIT)

Acadêmica de Enfermagem

Yasmin dos Santos Verçosa, Centro Universitário Tiradentes (UNIT)

Acadêmica de Enfermagem

Lays Nogueira Miranda, Centro Universitário Tiradentes (UNIT)

Docente de Enfermagem


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How to Cite

Oliveira, L. H. S. de, Barbosa Silva, E. H., França Bispo, J., Duarte da Silva, J. N., Nascimento de Lima, M. T., Verçosa, Y. dos S., & Miranda, L. N. (2022). University extension in environmental and sanitary health: experience report. Diversitas Journal, 7(2).

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